Sunday School Project

This year’s Sunday School Project is on the life of CT Studd, a pioneer missionary in the C19th and C20th centuries. The Project is open to all children, and there will be prizes awarded to each participant, as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each age group. Entries can be in a range of formats - in previous years we’ve received booklets, presentations, posters and even videos! The Project will be taught during the kids’ talk slot in our Sunday Morning Services, from 23rd February - 23rd March inclusive. The closing date for completed projects is Sunday 27th April, and prizes will be presented at this year’s Presbytery Day Conference, on Saturday 10th May.

Below you will find the handouts from each week’s talk. Please note that I have lent heavily on the materials available from Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), on CT Studd’s life. If you want to use any of the pictures in my talks, they are available here.